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We provide residents with the tools and assistance they
need to shape our city

Do you have a vision for our city? Are there changes you would like to see? 

We envision empowered citizens shaping Madison through civic engagement. Your vote is your voice, but your voice is also your vote when you use it to speak out and engage with city leaders and others in the community. We want to amplify the voices of all Madison residents so they can proudly say, "My City. My Voice. My Vote." 

We will help you navigate the channels for communication and action among city leadership. 


Who should you speak to about your specific concern or cause? What is the best way to reach them? As a new organization we are actively learning this information and will share what we know and find out more to help you achieve your goals.


Speaking to city leaders or speaking in public forums can be overwhelming and anxiety-inducing, especially for those who are not accustomed to it. I Vote Madison will be there for you, including accompanying you to meetings.

Clipart of a podium, a tree, a car on a road, a graduation cap, and a madical mask.

City Leadership

Clipart of a website screen that reads Your info here.

Space on our website will be dedicated to the issues being addressed by residents and coalitions of residents. Descriptions of your cause will bring awareness and your contact information will help others who care about the same issue connect with you.


Video Conferencing

Clipart of a woman conducting a teleconferencing call with three other people.

Conducting meetings remotely is a convenient and safe way to communicate during the pandemic. Video meetings allow residents and citizens coalitions to meet with city officials and other residents to discuss, strategize, and organize. We can assist you by hosting meetings. 


We can help residents and groups of residents establish social media and email accounts so they can begin spreading their message, connecting with others, and building support around the issues. We can also assist with forming a goal or mission statement and creating initial graphics to use in social media banners and profiles.


We help you hit the ground running!

Clipart of three arms reaching upwards. One is holding a smart phone. Social media icons, including Instagram, the Facebook like button, and YouTube are scattered above the arms.

How can we help?

Fill out the form so we can help you begin taking steps to shape our city!

Who we serve

I Vote Madison assists individual residents and small groups or coalitions of residents that live within Madison, AL. Our scope of service relates to local civic engagement and participation within Madison as it relates to city. We do not assist with actions for or against businesses or private individuals or groups. 


We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, sex, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, creed, political affiliation, disability, veteran status or national origin. 


One of our core values is fostering diversity, inclusion, and equity. I Vote Madison will not support or assist individuals or groups who seek to discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, sex, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, creed, political affiliation, disability, veteran status or national origin. 







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