Agenda Packet:
0:29:06 - Jocelyn Broer - Address Council Regarding Madison Police Advisory Committee 0:34:29 - Michael Sheehy -Address Council Regarding City Official Conduct and Accountability
0:39:24 - Tara Bailey - Address Council Via Zoom Regarding Communication
0:45:05 - Mayor Finley's Response to Tara Bailey *Note: Tara's microphone on Zoom had been shut off so she was unable to response to Mayor Finley.
0:45:51 - Kelly Mortar - Questions and concerns regarding water system infrastructure.
0:49:23 - Council's Response
0:52:18 - BeBe - Felt people over Zoom were getting answers to their questions but questioned why she seldom gets answers to her questions when she asks them.
0:52:52 - Reed Carpenter - Commented on the Police Citizens Advisory Committee
0:55:04 - Mike Callahan - Questioned the management and transparency of the I565 on and off ramp.
1:36:23 - Proposed Ordinance No. 2021-32: Establishing Madison Police Citizens Advisory Committee (First Reading 02- 08-2021)